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Left unchecked, advanced gum disease and tooth decay problems can result in a loss of teeth and the bone structure anchoring your teeth in your mouth. This can severely compromise your mouth in many ways. Beyond simply impairing your ability to adequately chew food, it can impact your speech, make you self-conscious about your smile, and have a negative impact on your quality of life.

In a situation like this, Dr. Sami Y. Nouhad might recommend restoring the full function and appearance of your mouth by being fitted for a custom pair of dentures. It could be that you only need to have dentures to replace your upper or lower teeth, or you might need to have both sets addressed. In some cases, you might have to have some or all of your remaining teeth extracted.

There are a few basic tips that can help speed your recover after multiple tooth extractions.

Most people prefer to be deeply sedated when having multiple teeth extracted. This means you will need to arrange to have someone drive you home afterward.

Any tobacco use can irritate your gums while they are healing. This can significantly increase recovery time and your chances of developing an infection. If you use tobacco on a regular basis you might want to talk to your primary physician in advance about a tobacco cessation program. If possible, choose a program that doesn’t involve lozenges or nicotine gum as they can also irritate healing gum tissue.

While your gums are healing you will need to stick to a soft foods diet. Staying properly hydrated is also important. Drink plenty of lukewarm liquids without using a straw, as the suction can harm the incisions or pull blood clots loose from incision sites.

The incisions might bleed for a few days after surgery. You can lightly pack the area with sterile gauze. Once the bleeding stops, you can rinse your mouth gently with lukewarm salt water to remove blood clots and soothe the gums.

If you have additional questions about multiple tooth extractions, you can call Sami Y. Nouhad, DDS at 323-466-3541 to schedule an appointment.